About Me Questions

Why did you join this class?

I joined the class to further my abilities in Directing and editing. I also want to learn how to make better films that could be in the Gawliks.

What do you hope to gain from taking this class?

I hope to become a better cinematographer and to become better at making films that have good storylines that aren't super cheesy. 

What do you know about cinematography?

I know a little about Directing and about the camera work. I am very familiar with the Final Cut program.

What do you want to know about cinematography?

I want to learn how to use a black magic camera and also I want to learn how to use premier. 

What type of films would you like to make?

I would like to continue in the BBA news segment called Elevator Confessions. Also I think I can make a very interesting documentary about my grandfather who was in WW2 as well as maybe a film that could be submitted for Best short film this year. 

What are three of your favorite movies?-embed trailers or screen shots and explain why you enjoy these films.

I enjoy the great Gatsby from 2013 because they make the music as if it were from the 20s but at the same time it is extremely modernized. 

I also really enjoy the movie Saving Private Ryan. The director does an incredible job of creating a real WW2 simulated movie. This film gives you a great taste of the brutality of the war. 

The Martian is another great movie. It gives us a great sense of what it would feel like to be stranded on a planet by yourself. Also it is extremely interesting how technical they get with the science part of the movie. 


What is your favorite movie genre?

I really enjoy watching action movies but they have to tell a cool story and not just be pure action. 

What motivates you to work hard?

The idea of satisfying people while entertaining them is what motivates me.

What are five concerns that you have now in your life?

1. Grades

2. Finding a college to go to

3. Getting into the Gawlik awards

4. Doing well In basketball

5. Being responsible for my mistakes in all aspects of my life.

What was your favorite subject in school? Why?

My favorite subject right now is English because I enjoy the books that we are reading.

What are the three words that best describe you?

Musical, imaginative, and spacy.

Biggest Character turn-off for you? (ex. I hate when people are late)

When someone is always drawing attention to themselves when no one cares.