Plushie One

     In this first plushie film I created a short horror film. I took a bunny with a carrot and made it as creepy as possible. Between the short flashes and red eyes the bunny goes from a cute animal to everyones worst nightmare. I used color correction to make the bunny pop. At first the white bunny against the white wall was a boring shot. After I color corrected it looked better. Ethan showed me how to make the eyes red. There are multiple ways but the way he showed me was to use luma keyed and put the red image behind the shot of a bunny. After we did that we put in different special effects to the red image to make them flash and other things. I intentionally lit the bunny so the shadow was in the background. In some of the shots I wanted some of the bunny to be covered by shadow. I also zoomed in slowly to the bunny. That way it would give you a little more suspense. The final shot when the bunny's head turned took me a little while to figure out. Because half the face was dark the luma keyer wasn't doing what I wanted it to. I had to play around with the luma keyer settings to get the look that I wanted. The bunny's head did not move on its own. My hand is what turned the head. I shot just enough below the ears so you couldn't see my hand. 

Plushie 2

     In the second plushie video I used a green screen. I did not actually go to the beach and record the film. I also used a different technique of green screening. Instead of always having the bear face the camera and away from the green screen, I had the bear look at the green screen. That is how I got the shots of the bear looking at the ocean. I did a little bit of post production camera movement with the ken burns effect. I had to do the ken burns to both shots, the bear and the palm trees or beach. That way it wasn't just the bear zooming in and the background staying in one place. I spent a lot of time trying to find the right videos to put behind the bear. Once I found the right video, I downloaded it and blaced it above the green screen shot. I also had to use the keyer. I had to do this because if I didn't the video of the beach or palm trees would be the only thing showing. The keyer effect takes the green screen and makes it so you can place videos or images behind the object intended.