Exposure Compensation

Depth Of Field

Shutter Speed


Rule of thirds

This is rule of thirds because I set the lifeguard tower to the left third of the screen leaving the other two thirds open with the orange sky.


This represents background by showing something plain which makes you focus more on the subject in the picture


In this picture I used the pine needles on the branches to create a frame around the single red berry. I also made the foreground out of focus so you pay more attention to the berry.

LEading Lines

I used the straight light of the sign to make your eyes track from left to right along with the words. 

Balancing Elements

The represents the idea of balancing elements because there is the horizontal and sort of flat hill on the right with the straight up and down tree on the left. 


I chose this picture for viewpoint because people don't normally look along the railing of a stairway like this so it gives things a new perspective.


This picture shows depth because you have the street close by and the field a little bit further away. As you keep going back you start to see the town where the spire of the white building is and then the mountains are way in the back. 


Symmetry is shown here because there are two trees on either side of the stairs and two windows on either side of the door and the door is centered. 


I said this was an example of cropping because you focus is on the water and everything else is not exactly seen in the picture. 

paper Project

8 sec exposure